Many employees see diversity only as something negative. Employees are advised not to discriminate against others or harass one another. Diversity is not just something that can be negative. Employees are often told to avoid discriminating or harassing others. It can be hard to start a diversity conversation with your workforce. However, there are some key terms that you should know. These terms can help open up a dialog with your managers and employees. Although this is not a comprehensive list, it can be a useful place to start. These concepts will help you to be a better leader in your workplace.


While diversity is synonymous with variety in many contexts, diversity can also refer to diversity. It is accepting and understanding that everyone is unique, regardless of their background. Respecting others regardless of race, religion, political belief, disability or physical condition is a key part of diversity.


It’s one thing being diverse, but quite another to be inclusive. Everyone needs to feel empowered to speak up at work. If your efforts to increase diversity in your workplace are hindered by the lack of empowerment within your team, you will be unable to make an impact.


Prejudicious treatment of people based on race, genders, sex and age.

Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases, also known as social stereotypes, are beliefs about people and groups that an individual forms without being conscious of them. These unconscious beliefs can be about various identity and social groups. Bias is something we all have and it’s important to acknowledge this. You can address bias and make changes to avoid being biased.

Everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, usually unknowingly or unintentionally given, that subtly convey a negative message about a certain group of people.

Microaggressions are a short-term, commonplace behavior or verbal indignity directed at marginalized people. These may be unintentional or intentional and they do not always involve malice. These can have harmful effects on marginalized people, even though they may seem minor.

Intersectionality is the idea that various forms of prejudice and discrimination, such as racism, sexism, and classism, are interconnected and cannot be understood in isolation.

Social categorizations like race, gender, and class are interconnected. This is due to the interaction with bias and discrimination. Diversity and inclusion, harassment, discrimination and harassment must be considered when dealing with people’s identities (genders and races, religions and sexual orientations).

Sexism and Structural Racism

A system where policies, practices and laws reinforce and perpetuate racial/gender inequality.


Privilege refers to a privilege that is granted only to one person or group. Certain people face greater hardships because of social structures. However, certain people receive certain benefits because they belong to a specific group. It is important not to judge privilege, but to acknowledge that it is a fact.


This assumes that everyone is treated equally and has equal opportunities. This overlooks the fact that not everyone is afforded equal opportunities and that many people must work harder in order to reach their goals.


Fair outcomes for individuals and groups through the treatment of them according to their individual strengths or limitations.

It is a great step to encourage a culture of inclusion and positive diversity in your workplace. This will make your workplace more attractive for both current and potential employees. Innovative’s Human Resources Consulting team is well-positioned to assist you in creating and implementing procedures and training programs that encourage diversity within your organization.

Innovative HR Consulting

Innovative Human Resources partners with companies to find solutions to the most challenging business challenges. Our team will tailor a solution to meet your company’s specific needs. We can help you find solutions and support in:

– Employee handbook and policy development
HR Compliance, Audits, & Assessments
– Strategy for compensation and rewards
Managers and employees can receive training on harassment, discrimination and diversity, as well as in inclusion.
– How to deal with difficult compliance and HR issues
– HR department outsourcing
– Culture and human capital


  • ameliawarner

    Amelia Warner is a 26-year-old blogger and mother who is dedicated to helping others achieve their educational goals. She has been blogging since she was in college and has a wealth of experience and advice to share. In addition to her blog, Amelia also writes for other online publications. When she's not working, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

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